inceptio systems

Staffing Solution

Staff augmentation is the use of outside personnel on a temporary basis to augment the capacity of your organization.

Staff augmentation is incredibly common—the global staffing industry, one of the primary suppliers of staff augmentation talent, is estimated to support in annual spend. Another source of staff augmentation talent is freelancing, which has been around for centuries but recently gained notoriety through the rise of global freelance platforms. It is estimated that percent of workers engage in freelancing today, and that number is expected to grow steadily over the next decade.

Increase Capacity

Increase in labor to fulfill a temporary spike in everyday work (project work, increased production, spikes in customer demand, seasonal businesses, etc.)

Bridge To Hire

For longer-term needs, as a bridge to provide capacity while you hire a permanent team (new location, new line of business, etc.)

Specialized Skills

For out-of-house specialized skills that are required for a period of time (facilities setup, brand & logo design, technology setup, etc.)


Build an organization or team using almost entirely flexible labor as a way to gain competitive advantage (increase speed to market, be more agile from a core skills point of view)